IndustryConnect@Science Park Gathering (香港科技園文化创意产业 X 智慧科技聚會)

SocTech (社創科技)
SocTech events create a great platform to foster communications and collaborations amongst our SocTech fellows to exchange their ideas, skill and technology. All members of the society from any background can engage in the SocTech initiatives, including:
Technology sector – which can provide technological expertise to formulate smart and revolutionary solutions that address the most desperate needs in today’s knowledge- and technology-based society;
Social service sector – which can spread its wealth of knowledge about today’s most pressing issues to other parts of the society;
Business sector – of which ample resources can be capitalized to make good for the society to ultimately support their own growth parallel to that of the wider society in a sustainable manner;
Education sector – which should ride on the crest of this inevitable trend of SocTech to better equip future leaders.