- 2024
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- Liberty Swing and Experia in Fairyland
- Korebalance Exclusive cooperation
- Clinical Application in HK
- HKMHDIA Gala Dinner 2015
- REX demo in HKRS
- IPD Seminar
- Medica 2015
- 中視新聞採訪「希望之手」
- Swing for wheelchair
- InnoCarnival 2015
- Exhibition of pedCAT
- Germany Rehacare 2015
- Japan HCR 2015
- The cyborgs are coming!
- The 13th CARM
- FHKI Innovation Showcase
- Hand of Hope reaches out to stroke victims
- 帮助中风病人重获新生
- PolyU Global Student Challenge
- Robot-assisted physiotherapy
- 财政司司长网志 - 科幻成真
- APAC Innovation - Robotics
- 9th ISPRM World Congress
- Rehab Week 2015
- Hospitalar in Sao Paulo Brazil
- HK Medical Devices Fair
- Funding application sharing
- REX robot in GREAT British Festival
- REX Bionics step into HK
- Nobel Laureate Visit
- IISART 4th General Assembly
- EY CSR Challenge
- HKSTP Incubation
- RehabTech Asia 2015
- Pharmacy Conference 2015
- International Occupational Therapy Conference
- International Stroke Conference(USA)
- Beijing Xuan Wu Hospital visit
- Top 15 Companies in the World
- 希望之手借念力助中風者復元
- HOH help stroke victims
- 希望之手為中風病人帶來希望
- 2014
- Moscow Healthcare Expo 2014
- Medica 2014
- VHIT and VNG Technologies...
- Indonesia Hospital Expo
- Spirit of Hong Kong winners
- Rehacare 2014
- Locally made robotic device...
- Award Showcase...
- 希望之手及其复康机器人有...
- 中华医学会第十五次学术年会
- Biometrics在医院讲课
- Biometrics在云南讲课
- 复康机器人 坚持香港品牌
- 香港国际医疗器材及用品展
- 2014 美国巴尔的摩AOTA博览会
- 2014 Hand Therapy Annual ...
- 2013
- Hand of Hope as pioneers ...
- 希望之手荣获 2013香港工商业奖
- Rehab-Robotics honored
- Rehacare 2013
- Beijing ISPRM 2013
- HKTDC 2013
- 理大表扬七杰出校友
- 希望之手助中风者复元
- Incubation Graduation...
- Reha Technology
- Hand of Hope-Bring Hope...
- Rehabtech Asia,Singapore 2013
- Robotic hand responds to...
- ISC 2013, Honolulu,Hawaii
- Hand of Hope in Arab Health
- Hand of Hope In CSM 2013
- 2012
- 得信医疗参与深港合作...
- Medica, Dusseldorf
- 伊院水底跑步机 减膝痛助复行
- 2012 Innocarnival
- CE Mark Approval
- 中国康复医学会...
- 中华医学会第十四次全国...
- 徐锦辉:不断填补 闯出希望
- Economic Digest
- 援建四川24个康复服务中心
- Exhibition of Geneva
- 第九届全国康复治疗学术年会
- 理大企业家精神 薪火永相传
- 理大企业家之夜表扬校友
- Agreement with Sports...
- 天水围小区中心应用Biometrics
- 港「希望之手」日内瓦夺冠
- 港产《希望之手》夺最高荣誉
- 理大发明电子尿片扬威日内瓦
- 信息及科技局应为科技创新企业
- 香港获得发明展至高荣誉大奖
- HKSTPC and PolyU success...
- "希望之手"中风疗效达五成
- 「希望之手」两公院采用
- 港「希望之手」日内瓦夺冠
- Hand of Hope get the Grand Prix
- 2011
- 2010
HKSHT 10th Anniversary Symposium

Deltason Medical Ltd. is very happy to present the advanced hand therapy and assessment products in HKSHT 10th Anniversary Symposium and let our clients to try on the VR technology for hand therapy.
HKSHT 10th Anniversary Symposium
Date: 7, March, 2018
Venue: Y301, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK